Thursday, May 1, 2008

Ann Hamilton

Ann Hamilton is another artist that belongs to the sculptor family. Receiving her degree in sculpture most of her work uses textiles. Whats great about allot of her work is the effect of it on the viewer. Walking into a room full has a strange effect on people. It makes them remember an intimate part of their childhood. It comforts them in the same way that a bed provides comfort for people at night. As well as working with textiles many of her pieces deal with the sensual. They often ask the viewer to sense am object using a sense that they would not normally use. So this might include using your eyes to sense something that might normally be felt. In the end though I'm not much of a fan of her work. For one thing, considering the amount of press coverage and grants shes gotten I would have expected to see a little more work to show for it. She seems to be one of those artists who makes a few popular pieces then falls of the radar until she comes upon something again. One of the other things that bothers me about her work is how simplistic it is. And I don't mean simplistic in a minimalism way but more in a lazy way. Like she creates an object that is interesting but really isn't of an consequence. Anyways I would like to see her branch out more becasue I think she does have potential she just needs to expand her use of materials and concepts

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