Thursday, March 13, 2008

Art 108 Journal/Sketchbook assignment Design Terms

Emphasis: An object or style that is of special importance. A focus on one particular object or style over all others.

The emphasis of George Segal’s sculptures is the human form but presented in a sort of ghostly way.

Illusion of motion: A deceptive or misleading image or object that appears to the viewer as if it is in motion or in some action while in reality the image or object is standing still. This is a result of an image or object being created mid action and therefore the viewer wants to complete the action in their mind.

Water droplets and splashes are a good example of the illusion of motion because we have seen water splash before and our mind desires to see the end of the splash but we are unable to.

Abstract: Images or objects that is non-representational. These images or objects generally have no correlation to the real world and often are an attempt to depict intangible things such as emotions. Although they might remind the viewer of something they are in no way a depiction or a representation of it.

This image is abstract because it is non representational and most likely expresses some emotion or thought that is indescribable.

Variety: A way of combining artistic elements to create complex relationships. It is achieved by combining diverse artistic elements in order to increase the visual appeal.

This piece of art contains a wide variety of different artistic elements such as hue, tint, context, hidden meaning, etc.

Volume: The amount of space found or seen within a form.

Because of the way this is painted and where it was hung in the church it made it seem as if the church had a greater volume then it actually did.

Monochromatic: A piece consisting of a single color or hue but may includes different tints or shades of the hue.

This images is monochromatic because the entire image is the same hue.

Warm/ Cool Color: warm colors are colors such as red orange and yellow which are associated with heat. Cool colors include greens blues and violets which are generally associated with cold.

The first image contains warm colors while the second contains cool colors.

Negative: A tonal inverse of a positive image. All colors, tints, and shades are reversed from their original so white would normally be light is now dark and what would be red now appears cyan. This is typically seen in photography when a light sensitive materials are subjected to photosensitive chemicals.

This is a negative image. When it is used to make prints all the light areas will become dark and all the dark areas will become light.

Works Cited

Kleiner, Fred. Mamiya, Christin. Gardner’s Art Through The Ages The Western Perspective. Volume 2 Twelfth Edition. Thomson Wadsorth, 2006.

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