Monday, March 3, 2008

More ideas for on site installation

So this week our assignment for our 3-d design class was to create an plastic mold of something organic and place it in a site specific location. Although it's not organic I was thinking of creating a mold of a car and wiring to the underside of a bridge. Yes I'm aware it would be very time intensive but I think it would be worth it. Before I made the mold though I started calling around asking anybody if they would be willing to help me strap it to the underside of the bridge. I was amazed by the resounding no I got from everyone. It seems that people are afraid of getting in trouble for creating public art. Granted I wouldn't be asking permission to strap it to the bridge but i Kinda think that's the whole point of it. To place something were its not suppose to be so that other can enjoy something new and fresh in their day to day routine. Anyways everyone saying no got me to thinking how sad it is that people fear to express themselves because they might get in trouble. And I don't mean expressing themselves with tattoos or a speech but in actions. People are afraid if they take some sort of action outside the norm then they will become persecuted and it will ruin their lives. In most cases this isn't true but even in the cases that it is true I still believe its worth it. Life isn't worth it if we can't express ourselves. It is our ability to express our selves as individuals that make us great. To express ourselves not only in words but in actions. If you look at history the world has been shaped by people who choose to stop worrying about what will happen to them and did something because it meant something to them. For many of us there is a work of art that means something fantastic to us. Every time we see it we are instantly inspired to create and express. However if we deny our desire to create and express ourselves because we are afraid something bad will happen then we shall never see our ideas come to life and we become domed to live in a way that has been lived by billions of people before us. Art allows us to express ourselves and we should not be afraid to do that, under any circumstances.

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