Sunday, April 27, 2008

Another graffiti artist.

Yay another graffiti artist. This goes by the nme of Barry McGee. Before I go into the details on this gentleman's work I would like to point out that its late and I really don't give a rats ass. I'm sorry if your reading this Barry McGee but the only reason I'm writing about you on my blog is for a grade in one of my classes. Granted I'm sure your a fairly interesting person in real life its just I've written about so many artists at this point and I'm so tired of school that I just really don't care. That being said I shall go onto describing Mr. McGee's artwork.
As I mentioned before Mr. McGee is another graffiti artist. Some people are thoroughly impressed by this but I'm not. Why some of you may ask. Well Ill talk about that in my next blog. This blog is just about Mr. McGee. Anyways, back on topic, Mr. McGee is another graffiti artist who seems to like the 1920's jazz style. Allot of his work reminds me of stuff that would be out right before the depression. You know. The kind of stuff that would represent musicians that flappers would dance to. Anyways allot of his work contains the qualities of the old style jazz pictures. Big faces with big broad lines that are slightly distorted so as to make one part of the musicians body stand out more. So although he did his own thing with it its still been done to death and I'm therefore not very impressed. Some of his other work I might classify as plaid art. I mean it honestly looks like he took some crazy pop quilt and copied it onto a wall. I get the whole idea of everything can be art I just don't like it when the artwork comes out looking like something my grandma could have sewn.
To end this long rant I'm just going to say that I'm not very impressed by Barry McGee. I think that he found a way to make money off of copying older styles of art work. Sorry if your reading this McGee but come up with something creative and branch out. Fame is not an excuse for laziness and an artist that makes money off of one style will so be broke unless he expresses himself in new ways.

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