Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Weird as shit

So I was stumbling around the internet tonight when I came across some weird ass shit. All of these were taken by Joshua Hoffine. He said that all of these were done on studio and who only used photo shop for color and sharpness correction. I think this is awesome becasue a few weeks ago I got an assignment to shot something attractive yet disturbing image using a Holga. Now obviously these weren't shot using a Holga but I think these definitely qualify as something that is both creepy and attractive. What I like about it is how simple the idea is. I have seen allot of photographers use children to make something odd and scary but never in this way. Whats great about them is their not Childhood fears as an adult would see them but rather as a child would see them. Another great thing about them is the variety of the fears. There's everything from monsters to clowns and even dead mothers. I mean if I was still a kid this stuff would seriously be some of my big fears. And to top it all off all the sets built and everything involved in the process was done for free by the people involved. There were no paid models but simply people willing to come together to build sets and have a little scary fun. So I've included several images but here is the link to the site I found him at. http://www.soothbrush.com/children-fear-photography/

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