Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Landscape Photography

So I was looking around the internet tonight for landscape photography and I discovered that its getting harder and harder to find a landscape thats interesting. Its not that the landscapes being captured aren't beautiful its just that after a while they all look the same. I mean there have been so many pictures of sunsets that now sunsets look dull to me. Its strange though because I used to be a big fan of landscape photography. That used to be all I wanted to do. In some ways it is. But I think its to find something that is never before seen. To find beauty without the aid of a sunset. Its interesting looking over the images in National Geographic. What makes them successful and what doesn't. I hate to think that the only difference between one landscape and another is how far someone had to travel to get the image. That an image from Africa is better then one shot in the U.S. Except for the few magazines that use landscape and nature photos I think the main reason people take them is for sentimental value. Even professional photographers take landscape images probably more for themselves then for their portfolio. I guess this is what makes landscapes so unique. They create sentiment for the distant. They remind the viewers that they are away from some beautiful place. In a way they are the substitution for that perfect place in our minds. Whether that place be in Africa or in the neighborhood that we grew up in.

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